Ark-Z a.k.a MOMOAKI – alone sing in the night. Genre, TrancyTechhouse ♫ A-1 ClimaX the 3rd ♫
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LU – hemorrhoidectomy. Genre, TECHSTEP ♫ A-1 ClimaX the 3rd ♫
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mentalhealz – TECHNO (lylyly mix). Genre, PsyCore ♫ A-1 ClimaX the 3rd ♫
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MONO – Jack in the Vox. Genre, Ravers Spycore ♫ A-1 ClimaX the 3rd ♫
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nmk – 魔物を討つもの. Genre, XAMETAL ♫ A-1 ClimaX the 3rd ♫
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nora2r / シユイ / exemoss – New World. Genre, J-Core ♫ A-1 ClimaX the 3rd ♫
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sa10 – Arial (Original Mix). Genre, HARDSTYLE ♫ A-1 ClimaX the 3rd ♫
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sa10 – Arial. Genre, HARDSTYLE ♫ A-1 ClimaX the 3rd ♫
Preview Song on YouTubesa10 - Arial (Original Mix). Genre, HARDSTYLE ♫ A-1 ClimaX the 3rd ♫
Sleepless – Go Everybody!!. Genre, Makina ♫ A-1 ClimaX the 3rd ♫
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takdrive – PTH. Genre, Schranz ♫ A-1 ClimaX the 3rd ♫
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TiSunderground – XENTRIC LOGICER. Genre, Dementation Core ♫ A-1 ClimaX the 3rd ♫
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アズ・マンハッタン – Manhattan Neon. Genre, House ♫ A-1 ClimaX the 3rd ♫
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うまるつふり – 静雀-易-. Genre, 森深 ♫ A-1 ClimaX the 3rd ♫
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かゆき – Aten. Genre, Progressive Metal ♫ A-1 ClimaX the 3rd ♫
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空見沢佳奈(CVAlisa.T) – SkyGazer. Genre, Ani-Rock ♫ A-1 ClimaX the 3rd ♫
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5 star Leaf – BlindSpot. Genre, BlindCore ♫ A-1 ClimaX the 3rd ♫
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8to7 – Vermillion Rain. Genre, CROSSBREED / DARKSTEP ♫ A-1 ClimaX the 3rd ♫
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anubasu-anubasu – Dancing Dirty Monster. Genre, MOOMBAHCORE / ELECTROHOUSE ♫ A-1 ClimaX the 3rd ♫
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Blue-J – FULL COMBO. Genre, Percussion Techno ♫ A-1 ClimaX the 3rd ♫
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Exclusion – 最後の朝 . Genre, Drum’n’Bass ♫ A-1 ClimaX the 3rd ♫
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Glustar – Trident. Genre, Techno ♫ A-1 ClimaX the 3rd ♫
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Greedy Groove – Restless Extent. Genre, Drum’n’Bass ♫ A-1 ClimaX the 3rd ♫
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KBT – Limesphere [SP BLACK ANOTHER]. Genre, Trance ♫ A-1 ClimaX the 3rd ♫
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Lazy_selfish – XILEH [Another]. Genre, Extended Freeform ♫ A-1 ClimaX the 3rd ♫
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LeaF – 現実∽幻日[ANOTHER]. Genre, Progressive ♫ A-1 ClimaX the 3rd ♫
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♫ A-1 ClimaX the 3rd ♫ – Full download Pack
The pack above includes all of the BMS songs as seen above. Occasionally there will be some extras in the pack These extras will typically be BMS that either
- Doesn’t have any keysounds or BGM
- Doesn’t play and crashes LR2 when launched (other BMS players may vary)
You may need to perform a Captcha prior to the download starting.
♫ A-1 ClimaX the 3rd ♫
お前らどうせ「今回も『JUMP』とか『跳』とか関連の単語をタイトルの中に入れるんだろうなー」とか期待していたんだろう?残念だがそう何度もJUMPネタで行くと思うなよ!俺だってそう何度もJUMP、JUMP言い続けたら飽きられるってことぐらい分かってるんだ!JUMPって言い続けた結果、JUMP本来の単語の意味が薄まるなんて状況にさせてたまるか!!!!(BMS edit)
(Jumper.rar | 5.2Mb)